Thursday, June 30, 2011

Marie Laveau, "Voodoo Queen of New Orleans," b. 1801.

Top Five Ways She Had Her Mojo Workin'

1. She owned a giant snake named Zombi, who she used in certain mysterious ritual dances on the shores of Lake Ponchartrain. Nothing keeps tongues wagging like a lady dancing with a snake.

2. Put a legendary curse on the city of New Orleans: Anyone who visits is destined to return. (Magnetism in its most wily form.)

3. Good Hair = Good Fortune. By working as a hairdresser who made house calls, she knew everybody's business--and everybody's weakness. She made a fortune selling gris-gris.

4. Famous for her spells and hexes, she supposedly saved men from the gallows, mended thousands of broken hearts, healed the sick, and caused the death of a least one governor and lieutenant governor. The lady knew how to multi-task.

5. Over 100 years after her death, folks still flock to her grave in St Louis Cemetery No.1, where they scratch X's into the side of the tomb and leave offerings in the hopes that she'll grant their lovelorn wishes and lay a hex on their honey. (And yes, I'll admit it...I did it, too.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Anna "Artoria" Gibbons, b. 1893

Top Five Ways She Made Her (Permanent) Mark

1. Let her husband tattoo her entire body. That's serious commitment, folks--both to art and man.

2. Beat the Depression by making her living as the "Tattooed Lady" at a number of sideshows and circuses. (FYI: In the early 1900s, teachers made $7 a week. Anna made up to $200 per week.) Genius!

3. Spent over 50 years working these gigs because she loved it--she retired when she was 87. Will I ever love my job this much?

4. No shrinking violet, she chewed out the circus owner who called her a "monstrosity" in front of the crowds. She knew she was no stranger than anybody else inside those gates.

5. Knew how to give the crowd what they wanted: when folks asked "Were you born that way?" (bless their hearts) she said, "Yes, and the doctors figure it was on account of my mother going to too many movies."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Etta Place (if that's your real name), b. 1878.

Top Five Reasons She's the "Queen of the Outlaws":

1. Quit teaching to work in a brothel. Left the brothel to join Butch Cassidy and "The Wild Bunch." The lady knew how to climb a ladder.

2. Married "The Sundance Kid." Everybody knows the best bad boys are on wanted posters.

3. More elusive than the snow leopard, she was only captured in photographs twice. Would love to see her dodge the Paparazzi.

4. Fled to South America with her outlaw friends, where she avoided capture and arrest. Pulled a Keyser Soze and vanished from all public record in 1909.

5. To this day, baffles history buffs with her numerous aliases and dopplegangers. Did she return to teaching? Go back to the brothel? Assume a new life as a cattle rustler? She always knew how to leave 'em wanting more.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Anne Bonny, b. 1697-ish. Even the birth of a pirate is disputed.

Top Five Reasons She's Our Favorite Pistol-Packing Mama:

1. The lady had standards: she ditched her first pirate husband for being lily-livered and yellow-bellied, then married a real pirate, Calico Jack.

2. A tomboy from the start, she left the plantation life behind and hit the high seas of the Caribbean to pillage and loot with her newfound bad-boy husband. Why wear hoop skirts when you could have killer boots and a sword?

3. Had a mean Irish temper--legend says when she first boarded Jack's ship, one of the crew spoke against her. She reportedly stabbed him in the heart.

4. Pulled the ultimate disappearing act just before her execution: though there is a grave for her in South Carolina, some stories say she returned to England and some say she returned to piracy under a new name. Can't keep a good woman down.

5. On the day of Calico Jack's execution, she reportedly told him: "If you'd have fought like a man, you wouldn't be hang'd like a dog." Got to love a gal who shoots from the hip.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Belle Boyd, "Cleopatra of the Secession," b. 1844.

Top Five Ways She Puts James Bond to Shame:

1. Was a spy for the Confederates during the Civil War, starting when she shot a Union soldier at age 17--way to harness that teen angst.

2. No time for Stockholm Syndrome: Persuaded at least two Union captors to marry her and switch sides.

3. Was imprisoned twice, arrested seven times, and caught over 30 times--but still rode across battle lines to deliver her ciphers.

4. Touted as having the "best pair of legs in the Confederacy," she carefully exited carriages so as to flash her--gasp!--ankles as she entered enemy territory.

5. AND she had a book deal! She moved to England after the war, where she went on the road to sell her memoir, Belle Boyd in Camp & Prison.

Cassie Chadwick, "Queen of Ohio," b. 1859. One of Cleveland's most infamous con artists.

Five Reasons She Still Steals Our Hearts:

1. Met husband no. 2 at a brothel, which she may have owned herself. She told him she was an "instructor of etiquette." Charm school ain't what it used to be.

2. Had ability to faint on command in order to save face and feign embarrassment--i.e. when said gentleman informed her that her "school" was a well-known bordello. Kudos for hubris.

3. Pulled off her biggest scam by claiming she was the illegitimate daughter of the millionaire bachelor Andrew Carnegie. Nothing says "I Love You" like a million-dollar promissory note.

4. Upon her last arrest, was found lying in bed with her money belt securely fastened--you can always try to take it with you.

5. Hauled trunkfuls of dresses and animal skin rugs to her prison cell, which the warden allowed her to decorate. Eat your heart out, Martha.